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At INVESTBANK, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy is built on creating a snowball effect—one that allows us to develop sustainable initiatives with a far-reaching impact. Through these initiatives, we aim to multiply the benefits of social and environmental development, while strengthening the capacities of individuals and communities. By doing so, we contribute to greater success, prosperity, and a collective sense of loyalty and responsibility towards the broader society.

Innovation and creativity are fundamental to our values, and we aim to embed these qualities in every initiative we pursue. Our commitment to supporting local communities and driving their growth is demonstrated through empowerment of creative economies and the pursuit of unconventional, impactful results.

We carefully select and tailor our CSR initiatives to ensure they align with our core vision and the interests of our stakeholders, thus achieving shared goals. To this end, we focus on two primary pillars: environmental sustainability and community empowerment, as well as art and culture. These pillars reflect our vision in its most noble form, with a priority on community service and creating dignified lives for all.

To drive our impact, we have established two dedicated funds that guide our efforts:

  • Green Fund: This fund is exclusively dedicated to supporting environmental projects aimed at fostering sustainability. Through the Green Fund, we invest in initiatives that promote renewable energy, conservation, and the preservation of our natural resources, with the goal of contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.
  • INVESTBANK for Life: This fund focuses on social empowerment, art, and culture, supporting initiatives that strengthen communities and preserve cultural heritage. By funding programs in education, local empowerment, and artistic expression, INVESTBANK for Life helps uplift individuals and showcase the richness of Jordan’s culture.

We recognize the environment as a critical component of development. When supported and nurtured, the environment becomes fertile ground for human and material investment, which is why it is at the forefront of our CSR efforts. Our commitment to sustainability is further exemplified by our own renewable energy initiative. INVESTBANK became the first bank in Jordan to use renewable energy sources to fully cover its operational electricity requirements, setting a benchmark in corporate environmental responsibility.

Beyond environmental projects, we are equally committed to economically empowering local communities. By creating new employment opportunities and fostering self-sufficiency, we help communities overcome challenges and achieve long-term success. Additionally, we place strong emphasis on preserving Jordan's cultural heritage through the support of artistic initiatives. By investing in the creative economy, we aim to showcase the talents of local artists, ensuring that Jordan’s civilization is celebrated and preserved for generations to come.

We take great pride in the progress we have made in our CSR journey and are steadfast in our determination to continue the path we’ve charted. Our ongoing efforts are an investment in a brighter, more sustainable future—not just for today, but for future generations as well. Through our Green Fund, INVESTBANK for Life, and all our CSR initiatives, we remain dedicated to creating positive, lasting change within our community.



في البنك الاستثماري، ترتكز فلسفة المسؤولية الاجتماعية على إحداث تأثير مضاعف يمكننا من تطوير مبادرات مستدامة ذات أثر بعيد المدى. نسعى من خلال هذه المبادرات إلى تعزيز الفوائد التنموية الاجتماعية والبيئية، مع تمكين قدرات الأفراد والمجتمعات. وبذلك، نساهم في تحقيق نجاح وازدهار أكبر، وتعزيز روح الولاء والمسؤولية تجاه المجتمع الأوسع.

ولما يشكله الابتكار والإبداع قيمًا أساسية لدى الاستثماري، فإننا نسعى إلى غرس هذه القيم في كل مبادرة نتبناها. إننا ملتزمون بدعم المجتمعات المحلية من خلال تمكين الاقتصاد الإبداعي والسعي لتحقيق نتائج مبتكرة وغير تقليدية ذات تأثير إيجابي.

فنحرص على اختيار وتخصيص مبادرات المسؤولية الاجتماعية بعناية لضمان توافقها مع رؤيتنا الأساسية ومصالح أصحاب المصلحة لدينا، مما يحقق أهدافًا مشتركة. وبناءً على ذلك، نركز في مبادراتنا على محورين رئيسيين: الاستدامة البيئية، وتمكين المجتمع بالإضافة إلى الفنون والثقافة. تعكس هذه المحاور رؤيتنا بأرقى صورها، مع إعطاء الأولوية لخدمة المجتمع وخلق حياة كريمة للجميع.

لتعزيز تأثيرنا، قمنا بتخصيص صندوقين لتنفيذ هذه المبادرات:

  • صندوق البيئة الخضراء: يختص هذا الصندوق بدعم المشاريع البيئية التي تهدف إلى تعزيز الاستدامة. من خلاله نستثمر في مبادرات تشجع الطاقة المتجددة، والحفاظ على الموارد الطبيعية، وحماية البيئة، بهدف المساهمة في مستقبل أكثر استدامة.
  • صندوق الاستثماري للخير: يركز هذا الصندوق على تمكين المجتمع، ودعم الفنون والثقافة. حيث يدعم المبادرات التي تقوي المجتمعات وتحافظ على التراث الثقافي. وذلك من خلال تمويل البرامج التعليمية والمجتمعية والفنية، يساهم صندوق الاستثماري للخير في تمكين الأفراد وتسليط الضوء على ثروة الثقافة الأردنية.

نعتبر البيئة عنصرًا أساسيًا في عملية التنمية. فعندما تحظى البيئة بالدعم والرعاية اللازمين، تصبح أرضًا خصبة للاستثمار في الموارد البشرية والمادية. ولهذا، تمثل البيئة محور اهتمامنا الأول في جهود المسؤولية الاجتماعية. ويظهر التزامنا بالاستدامة بوضوح من خلال مبادرت تشجير المساحات و غرس قيم البيئة الخضراء باعتماد الطاقة المتجددة. فقد كان البنك الاستثماري أول بنك في الأردن يعتمد بالكامل على مصادر الطاقة المتجددة لتلبية احتياجاته التشغيلية من الكهرباء، مما يشكل معيارًا في المسؤولية البيئية للشركات.

إلى جانب المشاريع البيئية، نحن ملتزمون بتمكين المجتمعات المحلية اقتصاديًا. من خلال خلق فرص عمل جديدة وتعزيز الاكتفاء الذاتي، نساعد المجتمعات على مواجهة التحديات وتحقيق النجاح على المدى الطويل. علاوة على ذلك، نولي أهمية كبيرة للحفاظ على التراث الثقافي الأردني من خلال دعم المبادرات الفنية. ومن خلال الاستثمار في الاقتصاد الإبداعي، نهدف فيها إلى تسليط الضوء على مواهب الفنانين المحليين، مما يضمن الاحتفاء بالحضارة الأردنية والحفاظ عليها للأجيال القادمة.

نفتخر بالإنجازات التي حققناها في مسيرتنا نحو المسؤولية الاجتماعية، وسنبقى ملتزمين بمواصلة الطريق الذي رسمناه. إن جهودنا المستمرة هي استثمار في مستقبل أكثر إشراقًا واستدامة، ليس فقط لليوم، بل للأجيال القادمة أيضًا. ومن خلال جميع مبادرات المسؤولية الاجتماعية الخاصة بنا، سنستمر بتكرسي جهودنا لإحداث تغيير إيجابي ومستدام داخل مجتمعنا.


On the environmental level, and within INVESTBANK’s Al Shams fund initiatives, the Bank sponsored the organic farming project as part of Al Shams Farmers’ Market for five years in Ajloun region and the surrounding villages. We provided financing of organic seeds, pesticides, organic fertilizers, and irrigation water. INVESTBANK, jointly with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, trained farmers of Al Kifah Cooperative Society, a community based organization, on methods to reduce wastage of products and proper packaging of produce. This enabled the farmers in the past years to increase their production on annual basis to expand their commercial activity in the local market, and to serve the markets of the capital Amman.

The project achieved an increase of 40% in production, and an increase in total sales by 46%, the number of direct beneficiaries of the project reached 285 farmers and the indirect beneficiaries reached 1,078 in 2016, compared to the year before. To enforce the sustainability of the project, INVESTBANK expanded the initiative to include new cooperative societies by training members of these societies to give them proper qualification, jointly with Al Kifah Cooperative Society, by introducing them to all the fundamentals of organic farming.

The initiative was further enforced by signing a memorandum with the Jordanian Organic Farming Association to strengthen the national cooperation in the field of organic farming , giving particular attention to the training and licensing internationally accredited Jordanian organic farming inspectors.

INVESTBANK also created new marketing channels by signing partnership contracts with private sector establishments to introduce Al Shams Farmers’ Market and to created new sources of income for the farmers. The Bank introduced Al Shams Farmers’ Market to Four Winters in the spirit of “from the farm to the table”, and Four Winters created Golden Apple Pie Ice Cream, utilizing as an ingredient chemicals free apples supplied by Al Shams Farmers’ Market, and 25% of the income generated was utilized to build a plastic green house in Ajloun Farms.

Within the same concept, INVESTBANK expanded its sponsorship to cover the southern region of Jordan, by establishing partnership with Zikra Initiative, to create a development Food Production project in Ghor Al Mazaraa region. This project aims to empower the local community, which has the highest poverty rate in the Kingdom. The project aims to enforce environmental sustainability by reducing wastage of the tomatoes harvest, being the crop that is subject to the highest wastage in Ghour Region. It also aims to increase the value added to the harvest by enabling the processing of the produce into other food products, such as dried tomatoes, crushed dried tomatoes, dried tomatoes powder, tomatoes vinegar, and other products. The project also targets to bridge the gap between the farm and the local produce market.

In the field of cultural and educational level, the increased support that INVESTBANK has offered to the Petra National Trust achieved notable success that solidified the necessity of the partnership with the Society to fulfill their vision of directing the creativity of young people to serve the Rose City environment, and to market Petra as an international landmark and heritage. Local visual artists introduced a new series of functions to train and qualify forty young men and women from the Petra Region to build their abilities and skills to introduce work of art highlighting the beauty of the Rose City. The artwork was exhibited in a dinner banquet inspired by the Nabatian heritage; the revenue of the banquet was allocated to support the activity of Petra National Trust.

INVESTBANK played a leading role in the field of renewable sources of power. The Bank executed the solar power generation project by installing solar panels over the head office’s parking lot. The solar power generation project is a clean source of energy aiming to product a maximum of 386 kilowatt, providing 65% of the bank’s electricity requirements. INVESTBAK is the first bank to utilize renewable sources of power to cover parts of the requirements of the head office of electricity. The bank is currently studying the possibility to expand this successful project to utilize renewable sources of energy by installing solar panels to all branches of the bank.

INVESTBANK enforced 2016 be the start of practicing healthy habits among staff, which contributes to improving their quality of life and their daily performance. The Bank continued holding educational lecture covering various subjects of interest to the staff, as well as conducted free medical test for staff of the head office and all the branches, jointly with Medlab medical laboratories and Jordan International Insurance Company. These tests will be carried out on an annual basis, as continuation of staff health and educational campaign introduced by the Bank last year under the heading “Time to Change”.

INVESTBANK enforced 2016 be the start of practicing healthy habits among staff, which contributes to improving their quality of life and their daily performance. The Bank continued holding educational lecture covering various subjects of interest to the staff, as well as conducted free medical test for staff of the head office and all the branches, jointly with Medlab medical laboratories and Jordan International Insurance Company. These tests will be carried out on an annual basis, as continuation of staff health and educational campaign introduced by the Bank last year under the heading “Time to Change”.


On an environmental level, and within INVESTBANK’s Al Shams fund initiatives, the Bank sponsored the organic farming project as part of Al Shams Farmers’ Market for over five years in Ajloun and the surrounding villages. We provided the financing of organic seeds, pesticides, organic fertilizers and irrigation water. INVESTBANK, jointly with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, trained farmers of Al Kifah Cooperative Society, a community based organization, on methods to reduce waste of products and proper packaging of produce. This enabled the farmers to increase their production on an annual basis to expand their commercial activity in the local market and to serve the markets of Amman. To reinforce the sustainability of the project, INVESTBANK expanded the initiative to include new cooperative societies by training members of these societies to give them proper qualification from an internationally accredited institution, jointly with Um Al Yanabee Association, by introducing them to all the fundamentals of organic farming.

The project managed to double its production in Ajloun and the surrounding areas, and achieved an increase in total sales by 46%.The number of direct beneficiaries of the project reached 305 farmers and the indirect beneficiaries reached 1,153 compared to last year.

In order to integrate its sustainable social and environmental initiatives with education, INVESTBANKsigned a partnership agreement with The Children's Museum Jordan to sponsor a visit to the Children's Mobile Museum inAjlounin May next year. This partnership stems from the Bank’s strong belief in creativity and promoting a culture of early learning, using innovative teaching methods and enhancing creative and critical thinking.

In order for economic empowerment to reach a wider range of local communities, INVESTBANK signed an agreement with Iraq Al-Amir Women’s Cooperative to build its brand identity, further enhancing its operations. Early next year, the Bank will focus on two goals: Economic empowerment of the local community and the preservation of the cultural and environmental heritage of Jordan, and providing sustainable job opportunities in the society. This support will strengthen the community's roots and market its products to make a lasting impact on the community as well as inspire similar initiatives throughout the Kingdom.

INVESTBANK has continued to support Petra National Trust’s mission for two consecutive years now, spreading cultural awareness and affirming the importance of innovative integration with surrounding communities. The Bank and Petra National Trust partnered in hosting a Nabataean dinner portraying four sculptural artists inspired by the city of Petra in addition to the talented artwork of 40 youth from the villages of Petra, whose work beautifully reflected the magical colors of the rose city. All proceeds from the event were donated to the Petra National Trust that promotes and preserves the concept of the cultural and environmental heritage of Petra.

In line with the Bank's commitment to sustainability and the adoption of renewable energy sources, the second phase of the photoelectric system project was launched last year to provide the remaining requirements of the main building with electricity, becoming completely reliant on solar energy. The Bank’s Amman branches and all their subsidiaries also work on solar energy, by designing, supplying, installing and operating the photoelectric system project via a transport mechanism and with a total capacity of 44,717 kW to generate electricity from solar energy. This step complements what the Bank started last year, as the first pilot phase of the project saw the Bank’s main building using 65% of its electricity through the photoelectric system project. The second phase will include system designs with a capacity of 320 watts, which will contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions by 586,12 tons per year.

INVESTBANK partnered with the Princess Alia Foundation and the Jordanian Company for Environmental Awareness in an initiative that collects the recycled paper from the Bank’s head office and its branches for recycling to obtain new paper packages to be supplied for schools. Consequently, the paper recycling revenues helped the Princess Alia Foundation deliver new papers for disadvantaged schools in remote areas. INVESTBANK is the first bank in Jordan to sign an agreement with Princess Alia Foundation for such a unique initiative.

As a continuation of its efforts to create a motivational work environment for its staff through a health awareness campaign titled “Time to Change,” INVESTBANK continued the preservation of its employees’ blood donations, in cooperation with the National Blood Bank, for their use or their first relatives’ in the case of emergency.

The Bank also organized a campaign for its employees and their families in Dibeento plant 100 forest trees, in the effort to raise awareness on environmental challenges and promote a culture of volunteer work. Everyone came together in a helpful, engaging atmosphere to stand as one in the service of our community. Moreover, in the spirit of promoting healthy lifestyles, the Bank strives to make a difference in employee practices within the workplace and beyond.

The most important of which is the cultural shift in eating habits through the provision of a healthy kitchen early next year in partnership with Books@Cafe. The project is in its final stages, where the kitchen will be providing diverse, high quality meals at affordable prices, aiming at replacing fast-food lunches with healthier choices.

Within the context of supporting charitable projects, and in cooperation with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization, the Bank provided donation boxes in strategic locations at six of its West Amman branches, including: Abdoun, Shmeisani, Sweifieh, Emaar Towers, Makkah Street and Dabouq in addition to its Zarqa branch. The first six months saw over 10,500 donations ranging from clothes, household items, toys and more.

INVESTBANK provided support to the Young Muslim Women’s Association Centre for Special Education in a commitment to create a positive impact on the lives of various segments of society, particularly those that are usually marginalized from children, youth and adolescents with special needs. The Bank hopes that through this support, the Association will be able to contribute to improving the scientific and practical performance of young people, helping them become vital members of society.

The Bank provided a donation of JOD 75,000 over three years to the Families of Martyrs of the Armed Forces Fund and security personnel who lost their lives in defense of the Kingdom.


On an environmental level, and within Al Shams fund’s initiatives, the Bank sponsored the organic farming project as part of Al Shams Farmers’ Market in Ajloun and the surrounding villages. We provided the financing of organic seeds, pesticides, organic fertilizers and irrigation water. Along with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, we trained farmers on methods to reduce waste of products and proper packaging of produce. This enabled them to increase their production on an annual basis and to expand their commercial activity in the local market, serving the various markets of Amman.

To reinforce the sustainability of the project, INVESTBANK expanded the initiative to include new cooperative societies by training members of these societies to give them proper qualification from an internationally accredited institution, jointly with الخيرية الينابيع سيدات جمعية, by introducing them to all the fundamentals of organic farming, preparing their land for an organic farming certificate. This year, all the lands of the Al-Kifah Society were awarded with twenty-five farms located on an area of 20 hectares to recognize organic agriculture from an internationally accredited body. These achievements have contributed to raising production and sales rates in addition to the number of beneficiaries each year.

In addition, with sustainable development in mind, the Bank has supported the rehabilitation of classic farming in the Ajloun Reserve, which is an integral attraction for all visitors aiming to experience agricultural tourism using traditional practices.

With its continued efforts to enrich Ajloun with more sustainable projects, and the Bank's commitment to educational and environmental awareness, INVESTBANK has joined forces with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature to create educational and recreational spaces in the Ajloun Reserve within safe and environmentally friendly standards. The project will include interactive games to develop children's mental and physical abilities and develop their social skills while having fun. The games were chosen based on specific criteria that elevate the educational approach from a traditional frame to a more interactive one, taking into account the ages of children and their different physical abilities.

In order to integrate sustainable environmental initiatives that promote environmentally friendly practices among children, the Bank inaugurated a new interactive station during its sponsorship of the Children's Mobile Museum in Ajloun, in partnership with the Jordan Children's Museum.

The new "Plantation Station" was created to promote environmental responsibility, which highlights the importance of recycling and its impact in combating environmental pollution in general, as well as the environmental and health benefits of organic farming. Moreover, the attending children participated in scientific activities, in which they planted organic seeds in recycled plastic bottles, igniting their interest in being part of positive change for the future.

In support of strengthening the Iraq Al-Amir Women’s Cooperative Society brand, INVESTBANK has offered its support by filling the marketing gaps the society faces, aiding its recycled paper and chemical-free textile production, the restaurant and the pottery workshop.

Additionally, the Bank offered working women training in packaging and photography to boost their sales via social media. The society consequently achieved higher sales numbers in Jordan and abroad, contributing to the sustainability of the Iraq Al-Amir women. The new brand identity was inaugurated under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein

In line with its commitment to sustainability and the adoption of renewable energy sources, INVESTBANK was the first bank to launch a photoelectric system project with its main building using 65% of its energy through photo-electricity, in hopes to become completely reliant on solar energy in the near future. The Bank’s Amman branches and all their subsidiaries also work on solar energy, by designing, supplying, installing and operating the photoelectric system project via a transport mechanism and with a total capacity of 44,717 kW to generate electricity from solar energy.

Stemming from its belief that positive change is the responsibility of every individual, the Bank sponsored Earth Hour, organized by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, and encouraged the adoption of positive daily behaviors and habits to preserve the environment and its biodiversity in the face of climate change. This event was commemorated by the breaking of the Guinness World Records for the largest mosaic plate made of 11,000 black and white candles in the form of the 60th World Earth Hour logo.

As a continuation of its efforts to create a motivational work environment for its staff through a health awareness campaign titled “Time to Change,” the Bank urged its employees to pursue healthy and environmentally friendly behaviors through many events attended by employees and their families.

Firstly, the Bank organized a campaign to clean up the Ajloun Forest Reserve in which employees and their families participated, thereby promoting the ethics of environmental conservation, sustainable development and the consolidation of an environmental culture in the next generation.

Furthermore, the Bank signed an agreement with "Green Wheelz" to take concrete steps towards environmental conservation, under an umbrella of humanitarian values and noble goals. Through this initiative, the Bank distributed containers to collect plastic covers at its headquarters and branches, and then sent them to “Green Wheelz” for selling and recycling. Revenues went to support disadvantaged children with special needs, especially children with Cerebral Palsy whose wheelchairs require the collection of three tons of plastic sheeting to provide one single wheelchair.

Moreover, the Bank continued its partnership with the National Blood Bank for the third consecutive year via its bi-yearly donation campaigns. All employees participated through donating blood, where INVESTBANK preserved its employees’ donations for their use or their relatives’ in the case of emergency. The bank also arranged for its employees to receive a medical checkup in cooperation with the King Hussein Cancer Foundation, and hosted experts to educate them on conducting self-examinations and the importance of early detection in an awareness lecture. Furthermore, in the spirit of promoting healthy lifestyles, the Bank strives to make a difference in employee practices within the workplace and beyond, the most important of which is the cultural shift in eating habits through the opening of a healthy kitchen earlier this year in partnership with Books@Cafe called B@c at INVESTBANK. The kitchen offers diverse, high quality meals at affordable prices, aiming at replacing fast-food lunches with healthier choices.

Within the context of supporting charitable projects, INVESTBANK has renewed its partnership with the Charity Bank of the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization following the success achieved in its first year. The Bank provided donation boxes in strategic locations open around the clock. Over 30 thousand items were donated, ranging from clothes, household items, toys, and others. Donation boxes are located in Shmeisani, Abdoun, Sweifieh, Emaar Towers, Mecca Street, and Dabouq, as well as in Al Zarqa Branch.

The Bank continued its support of autistic children by providing new scholarships and training opportunities through its partnership with the Gifted Autistic Children Organization for the third

consecutive year. In recognition of its commitment to support various groups of society, particularly the disabled, the Bank provided more scholarships and new training opportunities to autistic children to help them achieve their goals and ambitions and make them active members of society.


For 9 years, and as part of the Shams Fund, INVESTBANK has cooperated with its strategic partner, the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), to change the agricultural landscape in Ajloun by launching Souq Al Shams, a farmers’ market providing healthy, chemical-free organic produce.

This year, INVESTBANK continued to replenish the model farm in Ajloun Forest Reserve, frequented by the reserve visitors for traditional agricultural tourism purposes. INVESTBANK supported Al-Kifah Cooperative Society to reobtain the Organic Certification, an essential component of the process, from an internationally acclaimed entity, which increased the number of beneficiaries as well as the production and sales rates.

To expand the scope of beneficiaries in the local community and ensure project continuity, INVESTBANK embraced Um Al-Yanabee Women Association in the project. This year, it prepared their farms for applying for Organic Certification at the beginning of next year. The women were trained in beekeeping and honey production. The training included the theory of beekeeping principles, how to deal with and examine hives, as well as how to use the tools and equipment necessary for the project. The practical side included direct contact with beehives and the use of tools to examine different types of hives, in addition to various other project management details.

To complement the touristic attractions in the Ajloun Forest Reserve, INVESTBANK built the second-longest zip-line in Jordan and third-longest in the Middle East in partnership with RSNC.

Expected to launch at the beginning of next year, this robust project aims to create job opportunities for Ajloun local community. On the one hand, this will decrease the high unemployment rates and increase the local residents’ income. On the other, it will promote adventure tourism and provide new places for the local community and visitors to enjoy nature in Ajloun. The project’s revenues will go into supporting the other projects targeting the reserve’s local community.

The project that started in July 2019 will be managed by the local community to create a sustainable income that enables it to face present and future challenges. It will also contribute to achieving the region’s social and economic goals through training programs, capacity building and the involvement of youth and women, in particular.

To achieve its vision of a more environmentally sustainable country, INVESTBANK cooperated with RSNC to launch the first educational entertainment area for children that adheres to environmental standards in Ajloun Reserve, reflecting the highest forms of investment by enhancing positive environmental behaviors.

Situated near Ajloun Nature Reserve Restaurant, the play area features ‘green’, educational and entertainment games, such as climbing, swings, tree houses and others. They were picked to suit different physical abilities and ages. The area was built in harmony with the surrounding nature and provides opportunities for play and education in a fun and lively environment to different groups in the local community.

INVESTBANK’s sponsorship of the Future Food/ Future City urban agriculture exhibition, held under the Amman Design Week 2019, embodied its goal to support innovation and creativity and provide innovative solutions for comprehensive and sustainable development in Jordan. In the exhibition, INVESTBANK presented an urban agriculture solution designed and implemented by Greening the Camps, a non-for-profit that develops, builds and maintains gardens on rooftops in Gaza Camp in Jerash.

In partnership with Amman Design Week and in cooperation with Greening the Camps, a new model was reassembled and built on a rooftop in Gaza Camp. This model for sustainable living was adopted by many of the families living in the camp. Designing and building gardens on house rooftops aim to connect the families to their agricultural heritage, secure a part of their food requirements and provide them with sustainable income.

This project aims to empower local communities and enhance sustainable economic development in Jordan. Designed to fit in tight spaces, the gardening units supply families with part of their food requirements. Each unit has its own irrigation system that reduces water waste and evaporation to a minimum. The project focuses on improving life quality by developing the agricultural skills of camp residents, which promotes food security and enhances their lives in general as they transition from depending on foreign aids to producing safe and healthy food themselves.

Similarly, INVESTBANK partnered with the Center for the Study of the Built Environment (CSBE) in cooperation with Greening the Camps to support building a productive garden in Algeria Elementary School for Girls, Jabal Al Hussein. Five gardening units were installed, two of which are plastic greenhouses for plants that need a warm climate. Through this project, INVESTBANK aims to create a role model for schools in Jordan to use agricultural spaces and train students in urban gardening.

After the success achieved in the first year of the partnership with the Children’s Museum in Ajloun, INVESTBANK expanded it to Jerash, with the aim of recreating the interactive and entertaining museum experience for the largest number of children in other areas in Jordan.

This included introducing children to the Agriculture Station launched in 2018, which highlights the importance of recycling and its role in reducing environmental pollution, as well as the environmental and health benefits of organic farming. The children conducted a scientific experiment where they planted seedlings in recycled plastic jars as part of the bank’s efforts to mainstream environmental responsibility and reinforce green behaviors to change the world for the better.

In partnership with The Arab Group for The Protection of Nature (APN), INVESTBANK sponsored planting 1,000 lemon trees in Jordan Valley, as part of the bank’s efforts to empower local communities and protect the environment. This initiative aims to expand the green landscape and reduce the rate of desertification resulting from urban sprawl and overgrazing. This will help increase the community awareness of the importance of tree planting as a sustainable cultural wealth for future generations and encourage students to volunteer in tree planting and environment protection activities.

The Green Caravan program seeks to promote food security in local communities, reduce desertification and the effects of climate change while providing an additional and sustainable source of income for farmers. This will help reduces poverty and unemployment rates, especially in marginalized and less fortunate regions throughout Jordan.

In the fourth year of implementing the electricity project at INVESTBANK Headquarters’ parking for employees and clients, up to 65% of the electricity needs were supplied using renewable solar energy with a peak capacity of 386 kW.

The second stage was completed and launched in early 2019. It included installing and operating the solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation through wheeling with a total capacity of 717.44 kW to cover 100% of the electricity needs at the HQ, branches in Amman and the Central Region and some subsidiaries, reducing harmful CO2 emissions by 1100 tons.

Through the in-house health awareness initiative, “Time to Change”, INVESTBANK continued to encourage its employees to adopt positive and healthy behaviors in and out of the workplace.

In partnership with the National Blood Bank and for the fourth year in a row, INVESTBANK organized the in-house biannual blood donation campaigns. Blood was kept in the employee blood bank to be used by first-degree relatives in emergencies.

For the second year in a row, INVESTBANK partnered with Books@Cafe (B@C) to provide the healthiest meals in the HQ healthy kitchen. This initiative was received so well by employees that the loyalty program “TReatS” was launched to enable employees to earn points and get free food and drinks.

The healthy kitchen provides a variety of fresh and healthy foods at affordable prices, replacing fast food delivery and becoming widely popular among employees.

As part of its corporate social responsibility program, “INVESTBANK for Life”, INVESTBANK continued its effective and unique partnership with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization’s Charity Clothing Bank for the second year in a row. Seven donation containers were placed in different strategic branches, five of which operate 24/7.

Placed in Amman branches; Shmeisani, Abdoun, Swefieh, Emmar Towers, Mecca St. and Dabouq, in addition to a branch in Zarqa, the containers collected over 60,000 in-kind donations, such as clothes, household items and toys.

In continuation of its support to autistic children and to highlight its commitment to all segments of society, especially people with special needs, INVESTBANK provided new scholarships and training opportunities to autistic children to help them achieve their goals and ambitions and become effective citizens, through its 4-year-long partnership with the Society for the Care of Gifted Autistic Children.


INVESTBANK's zipline project, launched in partnership with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) in the Ajloun Forest Reserve in 2020, has continued to generate more revenue, which amounted to JOD 55,000 by the end of 2021 and was injected to support the Organic Farming Project launched by the Bank since the beginning of its partnership with RSCN. The project's revenue has also helped cover the salaries of the reserve's staff.

The Bank signed an agreement with the 7Hills non-profit organization to build accessible paths for seniors and people with special needs, as well as an amphitheater to host events and free training and educational activities, especially for skateboarding.

The Bank has studied the project of installing a solar energy system for the association in 2022 to minimize energy costs and preserve the environment.

The Bank supported the Rahma Initiative which is aimed at giving English and Arabic lessons to orphaned children, especially those in the SOS Children's Villages in Jordan. The Bank rehabilitated a teaching space in the SOS Children's Villages to accommodate 20 students per classroom, complete with chairs and desks, smart boards, and stationery.

INVESTBANK has renewed its partnership with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization's Clothing Bank for the second year in a row, with seven donation bins located in strategic branches, five of which are available around the clock.


In 2022, INVESTBANK collaborated with the Children’s Museum Jordan on an initiative to foster environmental awareness and responsibility among children, laying the foundation for a greener future. Central to this effort was the development of the Environment Toolbox, an educational resource designed to empower young minds with knowledge and practical skills to protect the planet.

The toolbox includes several innovative features, such as:

  • A Solar-Powered House: A model that demonstrates the principles of harnessing renewable energy, teaching children about the benefits of solar power as a sustainable energy source.
  • A Water Purification System: A hands-on tool that introduces the concept of water conservation and purification, encouraging children to appreciate the importance of clean water.
  • A Creative Fabric Bag: A reusable bag designed for children to customize with their own artwork, combining creativity with eco-friendly practices to reduce single-use plastics.

The Bank also supported the creation of the Eco Box, a hands-on educational kit for children aged six and above. This box includes everything needed to grow three types of local plants, using recyclable materials. The project not only teaches children about sustainable agriculture but also encourages them to actively engage in eco-friendly recycling practices, nurturing a sense of responsibility toward the environment.

As part of its environmental sustainability efforts, INVESTBANK supported the rehabilitation of Al-Buhtry Park in the Jabal Amman neighborhood. This initiative aimed to transform the park into a thriving urban forest, enriched with local tree species that promote biodiversity and enhance air quality while using the Miyawaki Method. The project also included the creation of dedicated spaces tailored for children and the elderly, ensuring the park is a welcoming and functional green space for all age groups. This revitalization project reflects the Bank’s commitment to fostering environmentally conscious and community-friendly urban areas.

Continuing its commitment to empowering local communities, INVESTBANK embarked on the second phase of its partnership with the Iraq Al Amir Women’s Association. This phase focused on promoting sustainability and economic resilience by installing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels at the Association.

The solar panels provide a dual benefit:

  • Clean Energy: Reducing the Association’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources and lowering its carbon footprint.
  • Cost Savings: Significantly decreasing electricity costs, allowing the Association to redirect funds toward capacity-building efforts and operational improvements.

This initiative enables the Association to focus on enhancing the productivity and marketability of its handmade products, including traditional crafts and locally made goods. By reducing operational expenses, the beneficiaries can channel more resources into scaling their production and expanding their reach to broader markets, furthering their mission of empowering women through economic independence.

INVESTBANK is proud to collaborate with the Jordan Trail Association to support local communities and contribute to the enhancement of Jordan’s renowned national hiking trail. The Bank will focus on rehabilitating the section of the Jordan Trail stretching from Kherbet Al-Souk to King Talal Dam. This initiative aims to empower local communities by revitalizing the area and strengthening ongoing development efforts.

The project will involve active participation from the Bank’s employees, who will engage in various activities such as trail maintenance, restoration efforts, and supporting local initiatives along the route. These efforts will not only improve the trail’s infrastructure but also contribute to broader social and economic development.

This initiative aligns with the Bank’s commitment to sustainability and community empowerment, while also fostering a sense of pride and ownership within the local population.

INVESTBANK demonstrated its commitment to inclusivity by rehabilitating the Seven Hills Skatepark, transforming it into a space that integrates individuals with special needs with people of all ages and backgrounds. The project included the construction of accessible grandstands and specialized tracks designed for individuals with mobility impairments who rely on wheelchairs. By enhancing accessibility, the skatepark now serves as a dynamic hub for community interaction and empowerment, fostering a culture of acceptance, diversity, and inclusivity.

In 2022, INVESTBANK collaborated with Mudarib, an organization that equips female graduates from the University of Jordan and the Hashemite University with the professional knowledge and skills required to launch careers as personal trainers or fitness professionals. The Bank provided 150 training packages, including essential tools to support their professional journey.

The initiative had tangible results:

  • 82 Participants Secured Employment: This included four participants who secured positions in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
  • Employment for Graduating Students: 29 trainees in their final year of university signed employment contracts to begin their careers after graduation.

By supporting Mudarib, INVESTBANK not only facilitated economic empowerment but also helped foster a skilled workforce in the fitness and wellness sector.

Recognizing the transformative power of education, INVESTBANK contributed to the Al Aman Fund to support the university education of five students (both male and female) for one academic year. The Bank ensured gender equity in its support, providing equal opportunities for higher education. This initiative aligns with the Bank’s commitment to creating a brighter future by investing in young talents and fostering social equity.

INVESTBANK extended its support to the Sana Program, an initiative dedicated to improving access to education for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities from underprivileged families. Sana provides critical financial assistance to help these families afford the specialized education and rehabilitation services their children need to thrive.

Through this partnership, the Bank aims to:

  • Enable children to receive the education necessary to reach their potential.
  • Support families in overcoming financial barriers to access quality care and learning environments.
  • Contribute to establishing a solid foundation for inclusive education and societal integration.

This collaboration underscores the Bank’s commitment to fostering an inclusive society where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

During the holy month of Ramadan, INVESTBANK extended its support to families in the Gaza refugee camp in Jerash through the Sama Gaza initiative. The Bank provided Ramadan food packages and Eid clothing to families in need, aiming to bring joy and relief during the holy season.

Sama Gaza, known for its humanitarian efforts over the past seven years, strives to stabilize and support Palestinian refugees through various services. By partnering with the organization, INVESTBANK reinforced its dedication to uplifting underserved communities and addressing the needs of marginalized groups.

As part of its ongoing partnership with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), INVESTBANK renewed its support for the Charity Clothing Bank initiative. This program provides essential items such as clothing, shoes, and toys to families in need across Jordan.

In 2022, the Bank facilitated this effort by hosting collection funds at seven branch locations, enabling employees and customers to contribute donations easily. These items are distributed to beneficiaries through the Charity Clothing Bank’s established channels, ensuring they reach those who need them most.

This collaboration reflects the Bank’s dedication to social responsibility and its mission to provide tangible support to vulnerable populations through meaningful community initiatives.


As part of our commitment to fostering community engagement and sustainable tourism, we adopted a section of the Jordan Trail from Khirbet Al-Souq to King Talal Dam. This initiative involves rehabilitating the trail to improve its accessibility and usability while engaging our employees in hands-on community service activities. By supporting the Jordan Trail, we aim to boost local tourism, empower nearby communities, and showcase the beauty and heritage of Jordan’s landscapes. This project exemplifies our dedication to strengthening local initiatives that create lasting value for society.

In partnership with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), we supported a significant reforestation initiative within the Dana Biosphere Reserve. Over 7,000 juniper, terebinth, and oak trees were planted, addressing the pressing issue of desertification and preserving the reserve’s unique biodiversity. This initiative not only strengthens environmental conservation efforts but also supports the local economy by providing employment opportunities to residents of nearby communities. Through this project, we aim to create a sustainable and thriving natural environment while empowering local populations.

In partnership with Khidr Collective and the Greater Amman Municipality, we have successfully revitalized Al-Buhtari Park, located in the vibrant Jabal Amman area. This transformation has turned the park into a thriving urban forest, enriched with a diverse array of local trees that enhance the city’s green canopy while using the Miyawaki method.

As part of this project, we have also developed dedicated spaces designed to meet the needs of children and the elderly, ensuring the park is inclusive, safe, and welcoming for all age groups. By providing sustainable and accessible public green spaces in the heart of Amman, this initiative reflects our commitment to enhancing urban environments and fostering community well-being.

The completion of this project stands as a testament to the power of collaboration in creating greener, healthier cities for future generations.

In our efforts to support Palestinian refugees, we collaborated with the Sama Gaza Organization on a vital project to improve living conditions for families in the Jerash Camp. We replaced the deteriorated roofs of 60 homes, benefiting 423 individuals, with high-quality zinc sheets. This initiative not only reflects our commitment to humanitarian aid but also aligns with Sama Gaza’s mission of stabilizing and improving the lives of camp residents. For over eight years, Sama Gaza has played a critical role in providing consistent support to vulnerable populations in the camp, and we are proud to contribute to this essential work.

To meet the basic health needs of the refugees in the Jerash camp, we donated 18 thousand dinars to the Medical Aid for Palestinians. This donation was used to provide the health center in the camp with an ultrasound machine and medical supplies. The center has seen over 3,300 visitors, with about 345 returning for a second visit. Through these efforts, we aim to make a positive impact on our community and beyond.  Thanks to this support, the association’s medical center was able to treat many emergency cases.

In collaboration with the Greater Amman Municipality, we proudly undertook a transformative project at Seven Hills Park, focusing on rehabilitating and enhancing its skate park facilities. This project included the development of an inclusive amphitheater, and the construction of accessible pathways designed for individuals with special needs, particularly those who rely on wheelchairs. By prioritizing accessibility, we aim to foster an environment where people of all ages and abilities can come together to enjoy recreational activities, promote inclusion, and strengthen community bonds.

Our unwavering commitment to education is reflected in our partnership with Al Aman Fund, through which we have funded the university education of nine young men and women for one academic year. This initiative directly aligns with the principles of sustainable development by advocating for inclusive and quality education, promoting lifelong learning, and empowering individuals living below the poverty line to overcome financial barriers. By investing in the education of these future leaders, we contribute to building a more equitable and prosperous society.

We have installed collection boxes in five of our strategically located branches: Abdoun, Shmeisani, Dabouq, Sweifieh, and Emaar Towers.

These donation boxes are designed to collect clothing and in-kind contributions from customers, employees, and the broader community. The items gathered are sorted, refurbished, and redistributed to individuals and families in need, ensuring they reach those who will benefit most.

This initiative not only addresses immediate community needs but also aligns with our sustainability goals by encouraging recycling and reducing textile waste. By providing an accessible platform for charitable giving, we aim to inspire a culture of generosity and environmental consciousness among our stakeholders.

We are proud to facilitate this meaningful partnership and contribute to a shared vision of fostering social equity and environmental stewardship. Together with FabricAid, we look forward to continuing to make a positive and lasting impact on our community.

As partners in our shared homeland, we have continued our collaboration with the Charity Clothing Bank of the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization. We have placed two donation boxes at each of our branches on Mecca Street and in Zarqa. These boxes are for collecting in-kind donations, including clothes, shoes, and toys, all of which will directly benefit the beneficiaries of the Charity Clothing Bank.

Syria Earthquake: In response to the earthquake that struck Syria, we donated 35,000 Jordanian dinars to the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization. This donation covered the cost of providing Syrian families with tents and blankets, offering shelter to those affected by the disaster.

Medical Aid for Palestine: As part of our humanitarian role and under the INVESTBANK Charity Fund, we donated an amount of 200 thousand Jordanian dinars to the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization. This donation was used to purchase medicines for Palestinian hospitals.